Just a quick note to let you all know that I am still alive and well. I am currently in an area that allows me to access the internet with more than the slowest and faintest of signal. This is not the case in my usual abode, which suffers from a distinct lack of modern conveniences - a usable internet connection being one of those. Added to that, all my Blogger settings default to Arabic, which makes it a bit of a guessing game to operate. My respite will be short lived, so I will revert to radio silence again shortly.
Conditions are very basic and some inventiveness is required to make the situation tolerable. I and some accomplices were able, through some nefarious means, to avoid some of the more onerous aspects of local law to at least enjoy Christmas and New Years in a suitable fashion. Unfortunately, a nice baked ham was not on the menu on Christmas day, and I would still kill for a greasy bacon and egg breakfast. It is always a challenge being away from home over the Christmas/New Year period, but we made the best of what we had and there was a lot of support from Australia. I commend the good people of the Wagga Wagga District National Servicemen’s Association for initiating the “Message to the Troops” program. I received a number of quite heartfelt messages from that area of NSW on Christmas Day.
I still have some time to go before I will be able to take leave, but it is something to which I am already looking forward. To those who posted messages of support when I left, I thank you. I won’t be blogging about this deployment in any detail, and I’m sure most of you understand why that is. Suffice to say it is quite challenging on a number of levels, and that it has been an eye-opening experience.
Keep up the good work in my absence. When time and internet connection permits, I do try and follow what’s going on around the intertubes. I just lack the ability to contribute myself.
Too true
13 hours ago
If one was inclined to send a care package of goodies (excluding ham and bacon), what would the fellows desire? Hand knitted socks? Anzac biscuits? Or have things moved on?
What would you list of goodies and essentials look like?
And how the f%$k does one send it?
Hi Mr Sharpe
Great to see your post, I'm sure there are a few people who wonder how you're going.
We're thinking of you.
Stay safe... lame I know, but it's really all I can offer.
BOAB, I actually got ANZAC bikkies and hand knitted socks (complete with some extra yarn for darning)from the Womens Auxiliary of the RSL. It was pure gold! It made us all feel like honest-to-goodness ANZACs. It was a great gesture from them. I'll email you.
Keep up the great work Rich. Zap a few baddies for me and then some more. How does one send something to you. Bloodnut has my email address if that helps. Mehaul.
Keep up the good work, and if you can figure out how we can send you a ham, let us know and we'll do 'er.
Missed you, and thank you.
I'm with Boy. The yanks have their Soldiers' Angels, who do a fantastic job, but we need to look after our own.
If you let Kae know, she can drop me a line.
Cheers, stay safe and God bless
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