The Debunking military myths thread got a little sidetracked, so here is an open thread to post bawdy Infantry drinking songs, or bawdy Rugby drinking songs, or if you feel the need to raise the bar; poems, stories or reflections.
I have the Monster-In-Law in this weekend. Pray for me!
Too true
3 hours ago
Where should I send the sympathy card?
he he
I have not thought of that "beer beer beer" song in 20 years. Thanks for posting it.
After spending the evening being very polite to the Outlaws, I thought I'd share this little gem of a post-match ditty. Warning, contains very rude and very wrong content.
(Sung to the tune of the USMC Hymn ie. From the Halls of Montezuma
To the Shores of Tripoli - you know the tune)
In the wastelands of Antarctica,
Where the yanks have never been,
Lies a poor old virgin polar bear,
F*&ked to death by a Rugby team,
We are the perverts of society,
The likes of us you’ve never seen,
We are a pack of load mouthed bastards,
We are the (insert team name here) Rugby Team!
And we have reputation,
For seducing little boys,
And for raping old age pensioners,
And for stealing children’s toys,
We are the perverts of society,
The likes of us you’ve never seen,
We are a pack of load mouthed bastards,
We are the (insert team name here) Rugby Team!
I used to work in Chicago,
In an old department store,
I used to work in Chicago,
But I don't work there any more.
An old Rugby player.
I do know that song Rugby Player.
A woman came in and asked for a hammer.
(All) A hammer from the store?
A hammer she wanted, a nailing she got!
I don't work there any more!
For all my old 3 RAR mates. (I was never in the 3rd Bn, but it is still a fine ditty)
We’re a pack of Bastards,
Bastards are we,
We come from Woodside,
Arseholes of the
Royal Australian Infantry.
We’re a pack of Bastard,
Bastards are we
We’d rather f*&k than fight
For Liberty!
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