Foxtel is in trouble with the Australian Communications and Media Authority over an episode of Family Guy where the character “Death” has a sex with a dead girl. Way to keep up with the times! I’ve seen that episode at least four times, the first being several years ago. The scene in question is:
A) Animated
B) Not explicit
C) fucking old news!
Get a grip people. Foxtel don’t set the classification. If there was a problem with the episode, it should have been picked up when the program was originally classified, before it was aired. Why was that episode singled out? What about the one where Brian (the talking family dog) doesn’t pay his gambling debts and Stewie (a 1 y/o) beats him to within an inch of his life, shoots him, and sets him on fire? Or maybe they could whinge about the running gag that there is a predatory homosexual paedophile hunting Chris Griffin? If you are letting your kids watch Family Guy thinking that it is in any way good wholesome family entertainment, you’re a moron. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t let their kids watch it if that is the decision they make, but complaining about it afterwards is just weak. Make the decision and accept the consequences. I love Family Guy. That and American Dad are two of my favourite shows. Letting my kids watch it might be a different story. Sharpe Jr likes it, but then, to him it’s just bright colours on the screen. When he gets a bit older I might have to sacrifice it, but if I still choose to watch it with him in the room, that’s a decision I’ll make and I’ll live with the consequences. It is part of being a parent and being responsible for the upbringing of my child. Blaming someone else because I let him watch something a little risqué is abrogating that responsibility.
Too true
7 hours ago
You forgot another point, Family Guy is aired late at night isn't it?
Not on Fox8, , it runs with Simpsons, Futurama, King of the Hill and American Dad. The scenein question though only implies that Death had sex with the girl, you'd have to know what a shaking car "could" mean.
vas is das "Fox 8"?
(I know, I just don't have it, only free to air here.)
In our household, Junior is very fond of things like South Park. Which he never gets to watch. Just because it is on the box, doesn't mean parents can't get a grip and exert some control.
As for pay TV - not whilst we have kids. I'm buggered if I am going to pay good money to give them square eyes and a head full of poo.
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